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Good Struggles

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I have started back running. I had to stop because of an issue with my hip; I guess its another sign that I am becoming your ‘not so young’ pastor. I have found running to be a great release and time for me to worship personally. It really is a refreshing time for me. Although, when I run it is not easy. As a matter of fact, running is a struggle. I tend to lose my breath quickly, my legs begin to hurt and exhaustion can come on me quickly. But, running is good for my health and I need to embrace the struggle for the benefit of the greater good. While I may not realize it in the midst of the run, I always feel better as a result of the struggle. Running is a good struggle.

As a church we are having some good struggles that are causing us to make some adjustments, but all of these are good struggles. I wanted to make you aware of them so you can celebrate the good struggles and so that will be aware of an opportunity to help us as we struggle together. Here are some of our good struggles:

• A Lot of Kids – Our Wednesday night Children’s ministry is off to a great start! But, we are having a lot of children, which is a good struggle. Thanks to the many volunteers and Corbin and Bristina’s leadership, we are handling Wednesday night ministry better than we have since we made the transition of our services. Too many kids is a Good Struggle!

• A Lot of Preschoolers – Yep, we have too many preschoolers, and it is a good struggle. We will divide our 4-5-year-old class this week into two classes. Thanks to Jenna Jones and Peggy Quinn for working to make this possible! Too many preschoolers is a Good Struggle!

• A Lot of Students - We are having so many youth girls in Dr. Loren’s Sunday School Class, that we are also multiplying her class. Thanks to Anna Laurie Hamrick for agreeing to help us as we divide these students! Too many youth girls is a Good Struggle!

• A Lot of Worshipers – If you believe the research, a sanctuary should be considered full when it reaches 80% capacity. Our sanctuary capacity (based on 25 inches per person) is at capacity when we have 299 in worship. According to these numbers, we exceeded capacity 3 of the 4 Sundays in August! Too many worshipers is a Good Struggle!

It is always our prayer that we do our best to facilitate the growth of the men and women that God has brought to us. So, I am asking for your continued commitment to FBC as we continue to walk through Good Struggles together. I am planning to continue to have Good Struggles and the staff are working hard daily to understand and facilitate solutions to these Good Struggles. Please be patient with us.

Be on the lookout for more Good Struggles and timely solutions as we move forward to Glorify God by Connecting Followers and Making Disciples who Impact Culture with the Gospel!

Posted by Jon Martin with
